Contact us and sign up for a sponsorship package already today!
As seen in the table above, we offer five kinds of sponsorship levels: 1) Platinum, 2) Gold, 3) Silver, 4) Bronze, and 5) Dinner sponsorship. All sponsor levels include onsite logotype recognition, recognition in PR material, and other event material. A more detailed explanation of the sponsorship packages can be seen below.
Platinum (Max. 2)*: Platinum is the highest sponsorship level, and the sponsors have, as knowledge partners, unique opportunities to take part in the planning of the sessions and activities during the event. Platinum sponsorship includes knowledge partnership, guaranteed speaker slot as a keynote speaker and/or as a panelist, explicit mention by hosts, onsite display space, free dinner tickets, onsite logotype recognition, recognition in PR material, and other event material.
Gold (Max. 10.)*: Gold sponsorship includes a guaranteed speaker slot as a keynote speaker and/or as a panelist, explicit mention by the hosts, and onsite display space. Gold sponsors will also get free dinner tickets, onsite logotype recognition, recognition in PR material, and other event material.
Silver: Silver sponsorship includes a guaranteed speaker slot as a panelist, onsite display space, free dinner tickets, onsite logotype recognition, recognition in PR material, and other event material.
Bronze: Bronze sponsorship includes onsite display space, onsite logotype recognition, recognition in PR material, and other event material.
Dinner*: Dinner sponsorship includes a keynote address and explicit mention by the hosts during the networking dinner on 3 July 2025. Dinner sponsorship also includes free dinner tickets, onsite logotype recognition, recognition in PR material, and other event material. Exclusive Dinner sponsorship can be arranged.
Table Dimension: 1,5 x 0,5 meter
Space for 2 Chairs​
Space for 1-2 Roll-up banners behind the table.
Power Outlet will be provided
Contact us and sign up for a sponsorship package already today!