The APUEA Magazine is published 3-4 times per year and features articles that cover a broad variety of topics on an urban energy theme.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 21, February 2025
This issue is titled “Powering Asia’s Sustainable Energy Revolution" and explores cutting-edge strategies driving Asia’s energy transition. Learn from Qatar’s district cooling success, understand how climate challenges are shaping cooling solutions, and uncover ways to cut costs while enhancing sustainability. Dive into low-carbon innovations shaping the region, get insights on the ASEAN Energy Business Forum’s roadmap, and see why district cooling is vital for net-zero cities. Plus, explore advanced fiber optic leak detection for thermal pipeline efficiency. Special thanks to Qatar Cool, Tabreed, Bluebee Technologies, KJTS, AEBF, Grundfos, and Xingbang for their valuable contributions to this issue of the APUEA Magazine.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 20, September 2024
In the latest edition of the APUEA Magazine: Navigating the Energy Transition for a Net Zero World, you'll gain exclusive insights from the industry leaders R. Narayanan of ABB and Glyn Addicott of Hydraulic Analysis. Dive into cutting-edge articles on Energy Efficiency, Energy as a Service, District Cooling, Digital Twins, O&M, Energy Management Systems, and Lean Engineering. Plus, discover the latest APUEA activities supporting sustainable solutions across the APAC region and beyond. Special thanks to ABB, Keppel, Qatar Cool, Tabreed, Grundfos, Hydraulic Analysis, Bluebee Technologies, BECIS, KJTS Group, and Yokogawa for their valuable contributions to this issue.​​​​​​

APUEA Magazine, Issue 19, April 2024
In the latest edition of the APUEA Magazine, themed The Future of Energy in the Asia Pacific you can read articles on the following topics: Powering Progress and Innovation in Energy, What will it take for India to meet its Cooling needs, Ways to the Future of Energy in APAC, and the Future of Energy: CAaaS Redefines Compressed Air Systems in the Asia Pacific. The Magazine also includes the articles: Residual Heat Will Cut Power Costs and Be Used for Cooling in New Delhi, Interview with Bluebee Technologies, Unleashing Clean Energy: Battery Storage Drives Malaysias's Energy Transition, Interview with KJTS Group, and the latest APUEA activities. We want to thank Informa Markets, Tabreed, BECIS, IVL, Bluebee Technologies and KJTS Group for contributing to this issue of APUEA Magazine.​​​​​​​

APUEA Magazine, Issue 18, Dec 2023
In the 18th edition of the APUEA Magazine, themed Sustainable Urban Energy Technology, you can read articles on the following topics: Innovations for a greener built environment, Megajana, a beacon of excellence in Malaysia’s District Cooling market, Cooling as a catalyst for urban transformation in India, and Sustainable Urban Energy Technology: Forging a greener future. The Magazine also includes the articles ENERtec Asia 2024: Accelerating sustainable energy transition in Southeast Asia, Turning waste into a resource: Waste heat recovery, True software support for improving ESG, and the latest APUEA activities. We want to thank Keppel, ENGIE, Tabreed, Qatar Cool, Informa Markets, BECIS, and Bluebee Technologies for contributing to this issue of APUEA Magazine.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 17, Aug 2023
In this special edition of the APUEA Magazine, launched during the first day of the Asia Urban Energy Assembly on August 31, you can read articles on the following topics: Five Steps that Businesses can take to Accelerate the Energy Transition, how District Cooling can support the Energy Transition, Cooling as a Service, The Renewables 2023 Global Status Report, and Smart O&M’s role in the Energy Transition. We want to thank ABB, BECIS, REN21 and Bluebee Technologies for contributing to this issue of APUEA Magazine.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 16, April 2023
In this issue of the APUEA Magazine, you can read articles on network management, how to put decarbonization plans into action, Energy as a Service, Brownfield District Cooling Projects, Digital Twins for District Energy Systems, and an interview with Managing Director Lars Ärlsjö at NXITY Sweden. We want to thank Hydraulic Analysis, Black & Veatch, BECIS, Qatar Cool, NXITY and Gradyent for contributing to this issue of APUEA Magazine.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 15, Dec 2022
In this issue of the APUEA Magazine, you can read articles on the topics “Rethinking HVAC for an Urban
Net Zero Future”, “Sharing the Load - District Energy potential in Australia”, “ESG and Decarbonization in Operations: The Digital Gap”, “The Future of Energy Depends on Derms”, Interview with Aurélie Beauvais, Managing Director at Euroheat & Power, and the latest APUEA activities. We want to thank ABB, AIRAH, Bluebee, Euroheat and Power, and Yokogawa for contributing to this issue of APUEA Magazine.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 14, Sept 2022
In this issue, we share insights into the Asia Urban Energy Assembly – 7th Global District Energy Climate Awards Live Edition, held in Bangkok, Thailand, 15-16 September 2022. Includes interviews with the Executive Director of APUEA, Peter Lundberg. The Magazine also includes interviews with the three Gold Sponsors of the event, Mohannad Khader from Qatar Cool, Lars Hummelmose from the Danish Board of District Heating (DBDH), and Peter Anderberg from Heatnet Global. There's also an article introducing the 7th Global District Energy Climate Awards winners.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 13, May 2022
In this issue, we share insights on how to prepare the world's workforce for the green economy, what the Glasgow climate pact after COP26 means for cities,
you can also read about sustainability developments in India’s Real Estate sector, if the energy transition is on track, and that part of the solution to decarbonize Asian cities is right under our feet. We also present an update on APUEA’s past and future activities and events. The magazine includes articles from the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI), C40 Cities, Black & Veatch, Tabreed, REN21, NXITY, Applied Energy, and APUEA.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 12, Jan 2022
In this issue, we share insights on how to prepare the world's workforce for the green economy, what the Glasgow climate pact after COP26 means for cities, and how integration is critical to Asia’s decarbonization. In the magazine, you can also read about sustainability developments in India’s Real Estate sector, if the energy transition is on track, and that part of the solution to decarbonize Asian cities is right under our feet. We also present an update on APUEA’s past and future activities and events. The magazine includes articles from the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI), C40 Cities, Black & Veatch, Tabreed, REN21, NXITY, Applied Energy, and APUEA.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 11, Sept 2021
In this issue, we share insights on how to prepare the world's workforce for the green economy, what the Glasgow climate pact after COP26 means for cities, and how integration is critical to Asia’s decarbonization. In the magazine, you can also read about sustainability developments in India’s Real Estate sector, if the energy transition is on track, and that part of the solution to decarbonize Asian cities is right under our feet. We also present an update on APUEA’s past and future activities and events. The magazine includes articles from the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI), C40 Cities, Black & Veatch, Tabreed, REN21, NXITY, Applied Energy, and APUEA.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 10, June 2021
In the tenth issue of the APUEA Magazine, you can read how Southeast Asia’s Cities are central to the decarbonization fight, why District Cooling is necessity, and about the potential of recovering Waste Energy in cities. We look into if Smart Cities can reduce emissions despite urbanization and population growth and explore a Smart District Heating project in Sanmenxia, P.R. China. We also provide insights into the Future of Operation and Maintenance and Clean Energy opportunities through city-scale Covid-19 recovery plans. The magazine includes articles from Black & Veatch, Qatar Cool, IVL-Swedish Environmental Research Institute, ABB, NXITY, Siveco China, C40-Cities, and APUEA.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 9, Mar 2021
In the ninth issue of the APUEA Magazine, you can read about the importance of business ethics when developing sustainable energy projects, how District Energy provides the first steps towards Power-to-X, and get the latest insights into renewable energy policies for Heating and Cooling. We also explore the challenge of decarbonatization of the urban district energy systems in Japan and look into the rising demand for district cooling adoption in India and how smart O&M solutions can be used for District Energy Systems. The magazine includes articles from ENGIE, ABB, REN21, ISEP, Tabreed, Siveco, and APUEA.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 8, Oct 2020
In this issue, we present energy efficiency trends in Asia and how planning is the key to help create more sustainable cities and provide insights into a best practice district heating system in Inner Mongolia, China, and district energy contributions in climate change and circular economy. We explore the innovative multi-energy system in Xian, China, how smart operation and maintenance help maximize efficiency for Asia-Pacific industries and continue our report on energy-efficient solutions for data centers.
The magazine includes articles from Johnson Controls, ENGIE, ABB, Siveco, NXITY, Fengxi New Energy, Muhammad Ali, and APUEA.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 7, Mar 2020
In the seventh issue of the APUEA Magazine, we interview Mr. Clay Nesler from Johnson Controls. We explore how thermal energy storage improves district cooling networks and provide more insights into UPS technology for data centers. We also look into Smart O&M, how AI can increase efficiency for heating in buildings, and introduce the potential of waste heat recovery in the Asia Pacific. The issue also includes a summary of the Renewables in Cities 2019 Global Status Report.
The magazine includes articles from Johnson Controls, ENGIE, ABB, Siveco, Leanheat by Danfoss, IVL-Swedish Environmental Research Institute, REN 21, and APUEA.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 6, Sept 2019
In the sixth issue of the APUEA Magazine, we interview Mr. Somboon Lertsuwannaroj from Impact Solar and Dr. Donald Payne from the Australian Geothermal Association. We present an update on hydrogen energy storage technology and look into renewable energy developments in Australia. We also explore UPS energy storage options for data centers, the potential of integrating renewable energy in buildings in India, and an update on the latest APUEA activities. The Magazine includes articles from Lux Research, ABB, IIEC, Muhammad Ali, ENGIE, and APUEA

APUEA Magazine, Issue 5, June 2019
In the fifth issue of the APUEA Magazine, we present an outlook on Renewable Energy and sustainability in Australia and provide insights on city-level GHG emission frameworks in India. The issue also includes articles on Intelligent Energy Systems utilizing AI and Smart Mobility, a successful District Energy project in Sidney applying the BOOT business model and updates on recent APUEA activities. The issue includes articles from Lux Research, ABB, IIEC, Muhammad Ali, ENGIE and APUEA.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 4, Feb 2019
In the fourth issue of the APUEA Magazine, we introduce a guest column, interview ABB´s Martin B. Petersen, and present a recently conducted energy efficiency survey for Asia. The Magazine also includes insights in how digital tools can help in the ongoing digital transformation of the energy sector and updates on recent APUEA activities. We also explore why district energy is a fast track to sustainable energy and present case studies of two modern district energy systems in China and Sweden.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 3, 2018
In the third issue of the APUEA Magazine, we look into smart green buildings, provide an introduction to the green development of a new city and learn how smarter cities is a part of the future. We also present a digital roadmap for district energy and look into how sustainable urban growth can be achieved. The Magazine further includes an energy outlook of Bangkok and updates on recent APUEA activities.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 2, 2018
In this issue of the APUEA Magazine, we interview Engie’s Michael Schack, provide insights on the integration and forecasting of renewable energy as well how campuses can become 100% renewable. We also look into electrification of the transport sector including EV-charging infrastructure and provide updates on recent APUEA activities.

APUEA Magazine, Issue 1, 2018
In this first issue of the APUEA Magazine, we provide insights into the important role of local governments in urban energy innovation, overviews of district energy solutions, discussions of the challenges of promoting district cooling, and introductions to successful district cooling projects in the region.